OMAR FLORES Programmer • Web Developer • Graphic Designer

My Story

Ever wished your website sparkled like the California sunshine? That's exactly what I do at SteallarLink Web Development, as the resident CFO (Code Forging Officer, of course!). From my California roots, I've grown a passion for crafting clean, efficient code that elevates expectations like a master chef plating his masterpiece. Let's take your vision, sprinkle in some web magic, and bake a functional, captivating website that screams your brand loud and proud. Whether it's a personal portfolio with personality, an e-commerce platform that converts like a charm, or a corporate site that oozes professionalism, I'm your code-slinging partner in crime, ready to cook up a digital masterpiece just for you. So, ditch the website woes and let's get brewing! I'm Omar, and I'm excited to bring your online vision to life, Californian style.


My favorite languages for systems programming, software engineering, and data analysis.


My preferred technologies for front-end web development and component design.


My preferred technologies for back-end web programming and database architecture.


My favorite tools for version control, code editing, and container orchestration.

Featured Projects

Personal Website

Uber Clone Website


My story isn't just on paper, it's an interactive experience! This Uber-Clone website, built with ReactJS and hosted on Github Pages, takes you on a journey through my work, education, and achievements. Dive into projects, explore my skills, and get a glimpse into my digital odyssey. Get ready to be captivated by both code and content!

Check it out!
Perpetual Crusades

AI Jarvis


Experience the power of AI at your fingertips with AI-Jarvis, a versatile virtual assistant designed to streamline your tasks and enhance your productivity. Built using a robust blend of modern technologies, AI-Jarvis offers a seamless and intuitive user experience..

Check it out!
COVID-19 Tracker App

COVID-19 Tracker App

I created a web application for tracking the spread of COVID-19. Using Johns Hopkins University Center For Systems Science and Engineering API, the website processes the COVID-19 data to create statistical projections through graphs and charts.

Check it out!
Valuto: Account Management System

Code in Unreal Engine 5 Video Game (Coming soon)

Bridging the gap between faith and gaming – my current project takes inspiration from the rich tapestry of biblical narratives to create a compelling video game. Utilizing Unreal Engine 5.3 and custom C++ code, I'm aiming to deliver a unique and meaningful experience that resonates with players of all backgrounds..

Check me out!